Legal and tax news about morocco and western africa

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Law 95-17, a major reform to promote the use of arbitration in Morocco.

Since the adoption of Law 95-17 on arbitration in Morocco, the country has undergone a significant reform of its legal system for dispute resolution. This law will have a significant

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The Complex Issues and Risks of Exchange Control in Morocco

Yes Morocco has a fixed exchange rate for the dirham. In 2018, some flexibility was introduced (a 2.5% flexible rate). Office des Changes is regulating the exchange of dirhams to

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Evolution of the legal and tax regime of the CFC regional offices following the reform introduced by Decree Law 2-20-665

The CFC regime has been strongly revised by The Decree Law 2-20-665 of 30 September 2020 and its implementing decree Decree No. 2-20-841 of 8 Jumada I 1442 (23 December

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Article by the Director of Westfield in the legal journal Artemis: Compliance with Law 09-08 a necessity for companies with regard to the repressive arsenal at the disposal of the CNDP

The creation of the CNDP an imperative for morocco’s attractiveness on an international scale The promulgation of Law 09-08 is part of the modernization of the Moroccan legal system relating