Legal and tax news about morocco and western africa

Casablanca Finance City (CFC): A strategic gateway to the African market

Casablanca Finance City has established itself as a leading financial hub in Africa, attracting international companies thanks to an attractive and evolving regulatory framework. Designed to rival global hubs such

Employee representatives: Guarantors of rights and essential intermediaries within the company

In Morocco’s legislative framework, employee delegates occupy a central position as elected representatives responsible for looking after workers’ interests within companies. Regulated by Title II of the Labor Code, their

How Morocco is becoming the new destination of choice for industrial subcontracting.  

#BRITCHAM WEBINAR How Morocco is becoming the new destination of choice for industrial subcontracting.    May 9, 2024 at 5:30 pm  M.Wassim BENZARTI In his speech, Wassim Benzarti, Managing Partner of

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Choosing a legal structure for a small or medium-sized business: SARL vs SAS

Introduction Choosing the right legal structure is a crucial step for any business, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Morocco. The majority of Moroccan SMEs prefer the limited